Salary Details - contract - egypt

Salary Levels (EGP) per Year Surveys [%]
48,500 EGP - 96,899 EGP
0 n/a
96,900 EGP - 145,299 EGP
0 n/a
145,400 EGP - 242,199 EGP
3 100%
242,300 EGP - 484,499 EGP
2 70%
484,500 EGP - 726,699 EGP
2 50%
726,800 EGP - 968,999 EGP
1 30%
969,000 EGP - 1,211,299 EGP
1 20%
1,211,300 EGP - 1,453,499 EGP
0 n/a
1,453,600 EGP - 1,695,799 EGP
0 n/a
1,695,800 EGP - 1,937,999 EGP
0 n/a
1,938,100 EGP - 2,180,299 EGP
0 n/a
2,180,300 EGP - 2,422,599 EGP
0 n/a
2,422,600 EGP - 2,664,799 EGP
0 n/a
2,664,900 EGP - 2,907,099 EGP
0 n/a
2,907,100 EGP - 3,149,299 EGP
0 n/a
3,149,400 EGP - 3,391,599 EGP
0 n/a
3,391,700 EGP - 3,633,899 EGP
0 n/a
3,633,900 EGP - 3,876,099 EGP
0 n/a
3,876,200 EGP - 4,118,399 EGP
1 10%
4,118,400 EGP - 4,360,599 EGP
0 n/a
4,360,700 EGP - 4,602,899 EGP
0 n/a
4,603,000 EGP - 4,845,199 EGP
0 n/a
4,845,200 EGP - 5,087,399 EGP
0 n/a
5,087,500 EGP - 5,329,699 EGP
0 n/a
5,329,700 EGP - 5,571,999 EGP
0 n/a
5,572,000 EGP - 5,814,199 EGP
0 n/a
5,814,300 EGP - 6,056,499 EGP
0 n/a
6,056,500 EGP - 6,298,699 EGP
0 n/a
6,298,800 EGP - 6,540,999 EGP
0 n/a
6,541,000 EGP - 6,783,299 EGP
0 n/a
6,783,300 EGP - 7,025,499 EGP
0 n/a
7,025,600 EGP - 7,267,799 EGP
0 n/a
7,267,800 EGP - 7,752,299 EGP
0 n/a
7,752,400 EGP - 8,236,799 EGP
0 n/a
8,236,900 EGP - 8,721,299 EGP
0 n/a
8,721,400 EGP - 9,205,899 EGP
0 n/a
9,205,900 EGP - 9,690,399 EGP
0 n/a
9,690,400 EGP - 10,174,899 EGP
0 n/a
10,175,000 EGP - 10,659,399 EGP
0 n/a
10,659,500 EGP - 11,143,999 EGP
0 n/a
11,144,000 EGP - 11,628,499 EGP
0 n/a
11,628,500 EGP - 12,112,999 EGP
0 n/a
12,113,000 EGP - 16,958,299 EGP
0 n/a

People's individual salary examples (surveys)

9/9  Marketing And Communication Specialist (Man)
Posted 02 May 2024

What I do?

"Developing and executing marketing plans, managing social media content, Designing and creating online marketing content, collaborating with design and public relations teams, Gathering customer feedback, handle subpair, risk Management,."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Cairo Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years Advanced 314,700 EGP

8/9  Content Creator (Woman)
Posted 22 October 2021

What I do?

"Content Creator."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Cairo Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year Advanced 260,500 EGP

7/9  Digital Marketing Manager (Man)
Posted 14 June 2020

What I do?

"Website and social media management, digital advertising."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Cairo Bachelors Degree 4-8 Years n/a 1,152,900 EGP

6/9  Marketing And Strategy Consultant (Man)
Posted 10 May 2020

What I do?

"Marketing strategy and pricing."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Cairo Bachelors Degree 1-2 Years n/a 568,700 EGP

5/9  Content Creator (Woman)
Posted 17 December 2019

What I do?

"Branding, content marketing and strategist."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Cairo Bachelors Degree 1-2 Years n/a 231,200 EGP

4/9  Brand Manager (Woman)
Posted 29 November 2019

What I do?

"Carrying out market research in order to keep up to date with customer trends, as well as trying to predict future trends developing strategies and managing marketing campaigns across print, broadcast and online platforms to ensure that products and services meet customers’ expectations and to build the credibility of brands analysing the success of marketing campaigns and creating reports supervising advertising, product design and other forms of marketing to maintain consistency in branding."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Cairo Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years n/a 594,600 EGP

3/9  PR Account Executive (Woman)
Posted 18 November 2019

What I do?

"Handle clients who want a PR presence in media."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Cairo Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year n/a 181,600 EGP

2/9  SEO Specialist (Woman)
Posted 05 May 2019

What I do?

"Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist analyzes, reviews and implements changes to websites so they are optimized for search engines. This means maximizing the traffic to a site by improving page rank within search engines."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Alexandria Bachelors Degree 4-8 Years n/a 220,200 EGP

1/9  Industry Value Advisor Expert (Woman)
Posted 10 April 2019

What I do?

"Helping customers realize the value of digitalization."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Cairo Doctorate Degree 20+ Years n/a 3,895,000 EGP

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