Salary Details - permanent - mauritius

Salary Levels (MUR) per Year Surveys [%]
138,500 MUR - 230,699 MUR
0 n/a
230,800 MUR - 461,499 MUR
4 100%
461,500 MUR - 692,199 MUR
3 75%
692,300 MUR - 922,999 MUR
2 56.25%
923,000 MUR - 1,153,699 MUR
1 43.75%
1,153,800 MUR - 1,384,499 MUR
0 n/a
1,384,500 MUR - 1,615,199 MUR
1 37.5%
1,615,300 MUR - 1,845,999 MUR
1 31.25%
1,846,000 MUR - 2,076,699 MUR
0 n/a
2,076,800 MUR - 2,307,499 MUR
0 n/a
2,307,500 MUR - 2,538,199 MUR
1 25%
2,538,300 MUR - 2,768,999 MUR
1 18.75%
2,769,000 MUR - 2,999,699 MUR
1 12.5%
2,999,800 MUR - 3,230,499 MUR
0 n/a
3,230,500 MUR - 3,461,199 MUR
0 n/a
3,461,300 MUR - 3,691,999 MUR
0 n/a
3,692,000 MUR - 3,922,699 MUR
0 n/a
3,922,800 MUR - 4,153,499 MUR
0 n/a
4,153,500 MUR - 4,384,199 MUR
0 n/a
4,384,300 MUR - 4,614,999 MUR
0 n/a
4,615,000 MUR - 4,845,699 MUR
0 n/a
4,845,800 MUR - 5,076,499 MUR
0 n/a
5,076,500 MUR - 5,307,199 MUR
0 n/a
5,307,300 MUR - 5,537,999 MUR
0 n/a
5,538,000 MUR - 5,768,699 MUR
0 n/a
5,768,800 MUR - 5,999,499 MUR
0 n/a
5,999,500 MUR - 6,230,199 MUR
1 6.25%
6,230,300 MUR - 6,460,999 MUR
0 n/a
6,461,000 MUR - 6,691,699 MUR
0 n/a
6,691,800 MUR - 6,922,499 MUR
0 n/a
6,922,500 MUR - 7,383,999 MUR
0 n/a
7,384,000 MUR - 7,845,499 MUR
0 n/a
7,845,500 MUR - 8,306,999 MUR
0 n/a
8,307,000 MUR - 8,768,499 MUR
0 n/a
8,768,500 MUR - 9,229,999 MUR
0 n/a
9,230,000 MUR - 9,691,499 MUR
0 n/a
9,691,500 MUR - 10,152,999 MUR
0 n/a
10,153,000 MUR - 10,614,499 MUR
0 n/a
10,614,500 MUR - 11,075,999 MUR
0 n/a
11,076,000 MUR - 11,537,499 MUR
0 n/a
11,537,500 MUR - 16,152,499 MUR
0 n/a

People's individual salary examples (surveys)

10/10  Group Chief Operating Officer (Man)
Posted 17 July 2023

What I do?

"Manage operations."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Port Louis Bachelors Degree 12-16 Years Advanced 6,085,900 MUR

9/10  Treasury Operation Assistant (Woman)
Posted 22 August 2021

What I do?

"Cashflow budget, FX, Risk."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- Masters Degree 1-2 Years Advanced 557,300 MUR

8/10  Client Services Administrator (Man)
Posted 03 April 2021

What I do?

"Esure daily Trades are input correctly Monthly Cash Reconciliation Ensure Corporation Tax Filings are dealt with in a timely manner Complete Corporation Tax and Preliminary Tax Filings each month before deadline Complete all NCA's, Remediation, Periodic reviews, Screening tasks according to procedures Contact clients for documents Fill in Liquidation Forms Make up Liquidation Packs."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Port Louis Masters Degree 1-2 Years n/a 360,100 MUR

7/10  Customer Service Representatives (Woman)
Posted 31 July 2019

What I do?

"Handle customers requests."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Port Louis High School 4-8 Years n/a 342,800 MUR

6/10  Compliance Officer (Man)
Posted 18 January 2019

What I do?

"To assist in reviewing customer KYC files and giving sign off for onboarding of customers. Conduct relevant reviews on an ongoing basis (High Risk customers, PEP/Exempt customers, IMCs) Review transactions (Pre and Post Transactions checks) Help RM regarding specific cases of new account opening. To assist in implementing and updating internal compliance processes, procedures, policies, documents and controls. To prepare replies to regulatory authorities. To assist in the conduct of regular compliance reviews of all aspects of the bank’s activity. To produce concise reports, identify issues and follow up on the implementation of all recommendations. Keep up-to-date with current and new relevant laws, regulatory rules, guidelines and any proposed changes. To assist Compliance Managers in their day-to-day work."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- Bachelors Degree 1-2 Years n/a 309,200 MUR

5/10  Team Leader - Corporate Banking (Man)
Posted 01 January 2019

What I do?

"Accountable for all transactions & queries of 13 portfoliis ranging from SMEs to large corporates."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- Bachelors Degree 8-12 Years n/a 551,200 MUR

4/10  Fund Administrator (Woman)
Posted 01 December 2018

What I do?

"Responsible for a portfolio of clients, banking transactions, minutes and other back office work related to the incorporation and administration of private equity funds."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years n/a 516,800 MUR

3/10  Internal Audit & Compliance Manager (Man)
Posted 14 October 2018

What I do?

"Internal audit and compliance."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- Masters Degree 8-12 Years n/a 2,342,600 MUR

2/10  Corporate Manager (Man)
Posted 03 March 2018

What I do?

"Commercial lending to corporate customers."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Port Louis Masters Degree 20+ Years n/a 2,839,600 MUR

1/10  Finance Analyst (Woman)
Posted 19 February 2018

What I do?

"Accounts Payable, Bank Returns, Tax Computations."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Vacoas-Phoenix High School 16-20 Years n/a 369,100 MUR

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